Did you know respiratory syncytial virus (RSV for short) is the second leading cause of respiratory illness in adults right after the flu? Usually, when healthy adults get RSV, their symptoms are mild and can feel like a cold. However, for some people, especially babies, older adults, and those with heart or lung problems or weakened immune systems, it can be more serious. Severe RSV can cause problems like pneumonia (an infection of the lungs). It can also worsen symptoms for people who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure (CHF).
Around the world, there is an urgent need for a vaccine that can prevent RSV. That’s why Pfizer is working to develop an RSV vaccine.
The Renoir study will help us learn if an investigational vaccine is safe and can help the body produce antibodies and cells to fight off RSV infection and disease in older adults. Your participation in this research study can help advance an investigational RSV vaccine for people who are 60 years and older. So, thank you for taking the time to learn more.
The study vaccine and any study-related procedures are generally covered at no cost. You will also be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses that you have as a result of taking part in this study. This may include parking, meals, or other travel-related expenses.